How Much Do Commercial Roofs Cost to Repair? Looking at the price quote process
We all know a commercial roofing project can be a daunting task. Today, we're going to cover how technical reps customize a quote for you. So let's walk through the steps of creating a custom roof quote.
After speaking to a prospective customer and establishing that they need a commercial roof repair quote, we'll send our technician out to their location. we come out and do a field inspection on their roof in which we will pull cores out of the roof to determine the existing make up of the building's roof.
We'll ask some questions to find out what kind of roofing solution they have in mind. Things like what they're looking for, what their real big problems are that they're facing. Then we will take that information along with our measurements, and field drawings, and photos to be able to take it back to the office and pull a proposal package together.
When we get back to our office we'll take that information and begin to compile it. And the first thing we want to do is develop the cost. Once we've come up with that number, we put together a scope of work for the building which will detail and outline, from start to finish, what we're going to do on your building which will include all the different things that we are going to propose that need to be removed, replaced, changed, or gone over.
We break down all that data and try to determine what the best solution is going to be. Every roof is unique, so they're not all the same. Each one has a different logistics challenge. Each one has a different insulation, or drainage, or multiple units on a roof, so each one is custom designed to that facility and to that owner's needs and wants, so we take all that into consideration.
The package that is put together includes the survey report, a drawing of the roof, that may differentiate the different areas and different things that we found on the roof during the survey, to a comprehensive scope of work and proposal.
After that process is done, it gets sent to the customer or we deliver it to you and kind of explain and go over exactly what it is we're proposing to do. The information can be presented in person or over the phone. Typically it's sent through email process and then discussed in a phone meeting.
So once that roofing proposal is delivered, hopefully within a week or two we hear back and the decision is made to go forward with the work we recommended. At that point, we may go into a negotiation phase because it's possible that the building owner wants to do some areas and not others. so we may have to go back and revise some pricing and whatnot.
In the end, we want to give you the best service and the best price for what you want and need. To get to that point, we need to work together with the customer as a team to make sure we have the same end goal.
Price Variables on Roof Repairs
As you can see from the video below, no matter where you are, getting an estimate on a commercial roof repair involves a lot of variables, so it's not an easy thing to answer straight away over the phone. But with a bit of information, we'll do our best to give you an idea of what you're looking at.
hello there my name is Steven from London flat roofing when I'm answering the phone number off the last how much did the new flat roof cost well the answer to this is really down to a number of factors it's not an easy one to answer straight away however with certain information I can come up with an approximation of how much a flat roof would cost some of this information that I really need is what is the area of the roof how much difficulty is there involved with the roof what's access like to it what's the substrate line.i what is it actually which is on the roof at the moment is it new build is it an old roof is it Asheville all sorts of different questions like that really helped me make my mind up on what I can do for you and how we can reroute that roof for you now do you want to strip the roof or not and that's an interesting run because today if we strip a roof we actually have to insulate the roof there's a building regulation part l-1b of the building regulations says but if you strip a roof you must insulate afterwards so if you don't want to trigger there then we really should be using an overlay system so all this information I can gain from you on the phone once I've got that information I can then work out using a meter ridge ray how much the roof is going to cost you so if you take this roof behind me as an example I really need to know the links and the width of the main area so I can calculate this it's square meter ridge then I need to know the details around the side the flashing details now in this particular roof the roof actually goes up and over the parapet walls so therefore I need to know what area that is and would calculate that slightly different than the main area because the main area we've done at one cost that will be done at a slightly greater cost because there's more effort in doing that and you naturally see the men behind you going around and doing that first that takes a lot more time than it does just laying out the main roof once I've got that kind of information I can then work out square meters right and I can give you a proximate price of the roof over the phone my name is Steven from London flat roofing if I can help you my details are on screen now